Welsh Lesson Two
Taken from Basic Welsh: A Grammar and Workbook by Gareth King Welsh Lesson Two: Nouns and noun plurals Nouns are sorted by whether the word denotes man or woman Tad – father mam – mother When the two vowels in a word are a/e: feminine When the two vowels in a word are o/y: masculine Masculine endings: Feminine endings: -ad -iad -aeth -as -der -did -dod -en -es -dra -fa -eb -edd -had -I -iant -ni -rwydd -wch -wr -ydd -yn Plural endings: -au -iau -on -ion -i -od -ed -edd -oedd -ydd -ys (English loanwords) Exceptions: Words that change internal vowels: Corff/cyrff pabell/pebyll Words that change internal vowels and endings: Braich/breichiau Total exceptions: Dail – leaves/foliage deilen – leaf Moch – pigs mochyn – pig Exercise 1: Plural or Singular Read more…
Welsh Lesson One
Taken from Basic Welsh: A Grammar and Workbook by Gareth King Welsh Lesson One: Identification Sentences hwn this hwnna that y rhain these y rheina those e/o he hi she hwn this person (m) hon this person (f) hwnna that person (m) honna that person (f) hwnnw that person who honno that person who is out of sight (m) is out of sight (f) Read more…