Medieval Swords and Armor
I have posted about how medieval swords and armor weren’t ‘heavy’ here: about dark age and medieval armor: and about medieval martial arts and its resurrection as an art form: A friend has justdirected me to a post detailing the different kinds of medieval swords.: Here’s a sample of their section on long swords: Long-Swords The various kinds of long bladed Medieval swords that had handles long enough to be used in two hands were deemed long-swords (German Langenschwert/ Langes Swertor Italian spada longa). Long–swords, war-swords, or great swords are characterized by having both a long grip and a long blade. We know at the time that Medieval warriors did distinguished war-swords or great-swords (“grant espees” or “grete swerdes”) from “standard” swords in general, but long-swords were really just those larger versions of typical one-handed swords, except with stouter blades. They were “longer swords,” as opposed to Read more…