I found a great article about 6 myths of the Middle Ages. It’s particularly great to see someone writing about this in the general media. I encounter these assumptions every day and it complicates writing about these times (especially when someone writes to tell me I’m wrong 🙂 But that’s another story).
From: http://www.cracked.com/article_20186_6-ridiculous-myths-about-middle-ages-everyone-believes.html
You can click on the link above for the full article, but the myths are as follows:
1. Scientific Progress Was Dead
2. Everyone Smelled Like Complete Sh*t (for my post on this, see: https://sarahwoodbury.com/did-medieval-people-bathe/)
3. Knights Were Honorable, Chivalrous Warriors
4. Everyone Was a Prude
5. Women Were Treated as Cattle
6. Life Was Horrible and Everyone Died Young (for one my posts on this see: https://sarahwoodbury.com/life-expectancy-in-the-middle-ages/)
Haha, I can’t believe some of these myths are still held up! “Everyone was a prude” in particular *snorting*
Wait – knights weren’t honorable, chivalrous warriors? Darn it. Not ready for the truth. 🙁