I spent twenty years telling myself I didn’t have a creative bone in my body. I told myself I wasn’t a visual person. I don’t paint and photoshop is beyond me, but I know when something is beautiful and right. Christine DeMaio-Rice (http://flipcitybooks.com/) is my cover designer. So far she’s revamped Cold My Heart, The Last Pendragon series, and now The Good Knight. And here it is:
It’s going to take a while to filter through all the channels, so please be patient if the old cover still pops up for you at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Apple. She has also designed the full book cover for the paper copy. Isn’t it gorgeous? It should go live in a day or two as well.
You may note that the tag on the Kindle book is now “A Gareth and Gwen Medieval Mystery”. That’s because you can look for the second book, The Uninvited Guest, in March 2012! Christine will be designing that cover too.
Wow! This just in … a link to a review I hadn’t seen: http://mahadeviyakka.wordpress.com/2012/01/15/the-good-knight-by-sarah-woodbury/
The new cover looks AMAZING! Congrats!
I can’t wait for our blog post about this cover.
And you are a visual person. I couldn’t put anything over on you 🙂 You have an eagle eye.
I can’t wait either 🙂