Sacrificing the Goat

Ann Aguirre, at Writer’s Unboxed, wrote last week:  “People will tell you to do this or that to make it in this business. Sacrifice a goat. Knock three times on the ceiling if you want me. Never write at 3 a.m. Stop killing your main characters. (Okay, maybe that one’s good advice.) The truth of the matter is: there is no one truth path to publication. There are no magic beans. Nobody has a secret formula for success, and nobody’s writing process is cast in gold. For most people it takes trial and error to determine what will work best.” I’m still stuck on the goat part, so was looking up to whom I could sacrifice a goat, were I to go that route.  First off, is the Hindu goddess Saraswati.  She is the consort of Lord Brahma and possesses the powers Read more…