Welsh Pronunciation

“Names are not always what they seem. The common Welsh name BZJXXLLWCP is pronounced Jackson.” Puddinhead Wilson (Mark Twain, Following the Equator) For an English speaker, Welsh is not easy.  The following is a quick guide: a  ‘ah’ as in ‘rah’ (Caradog) ae  ‘eye’ as in ‘my’ (Cadfael) ai  ‘eye’ as in ‘my’ (Owain) aw  ‘ow’ as in ‘cow’ (Alaw) au  ‘eye’ as in ‘my’ (Dau) c  a hard ‘c’ sound (Cadfael) ch  a non-English sound as in Scottish ‘ch’ in ‘loch’ (Fychan) dd  a buzzy ‘th’ sound, as in ‘there’ (Ddu; Gwynedd) e  ‘eh’ as in ‘met’ (Ceri) eu  ‘ay’ as in ‘day’ (Ddeufaen) f  ‘v’ as in ‘of’ (Cadfael) ff  as in ‘off’ (Gruffydd) g  a hard ‘g’ sound, as in ‘gas’ (Goronwy) i  ‘ee’ as in ‘see’ (Ceri) ia  ‘yah’ as in ‘yawn’ (Iago) ieu  sounds like the Read more…