St. Beuno’s Pistyll

St. Beuno’s Pistyll was founded by St. Beuno, who was a sixth century saint credited with establishing churches throughout Wales. He founded a large church with a healing well at Clynnog Fawr, some 8 and half miles from Pistyll, but would come to Pistyll for quiet and recuperation from his missionary work. It is said that two stones of the current church, which dates to the 15th century, are from that original early church. One is a cornerstone and the second is the threshold of the original door. The font within the current church is from the 11th century. The interior also features a five-bay arch-braced roof dating to the 15th century. It is still possible to see the holes for the ropes which secured the thatch in the timbers. Slate replaced the thatched roof in the early 20th century. Read more…


Today we’ll be talking about Gwenffrewi, an early Welsh saint, who endowed an abbey and a sacred well. She is the only woman so credited, which seems a woeful gap in the record. Still, the legend of Gwenffrewi, or Winifred in English, follows a similar pattern to that of her male counterparts in that she was born noble. After that, her story takes quite a dark turn. As was written down in the 12th century, she had a suitor who was enraged at her rejection of him to the point that he decapitated her. A healing spring flowed from the spot upon which her head fell, and then St. Bueno, her uncle, restored her head to her body. After this miracle Beuno turned to her suitor, Caradog, who is described as leaning on his sword and unrepentant, called up to Read more…