Llanfaglan (St. Baglan)
Baglan ap Dingad was a 6th century saint, whose church is located a few miles south of Caernarfon. Much of the church as seen today dates to the 18th century. The churchyard is circular, however, indicating the site was used for worship possibly even before St. Baglan established his church. Although many coastal churches were raided by vikings during the early medieval period, there is no record of it having happened to St Baglan’s. At one time St. Baglan’s was a center of community life, but modern times have isolated it and it no longer has a parish. The beautiful wooden interior furnishings date to the 18th century. Further evidence for St Baglan’s antiquity comes from several stones built into the fabric of the church itself. The inscription on the stone indicates it was the grave of someone named Lovernius. Read more…