Whether or not Welsh wore armor into battle has come up today because a reader of my books reported an ‘error’ in Daughter of Time saying that her ‘reading of history says that the Welsh didn’t wear armor in the Middle Ages’. That simply isn’t true. They did.
After I cooled down about the inherent prejudice that comment reflects, I decided a blog post was in order to address the matter.
Basically, history is written by the victors, and the English were particularly good at propaganda at a very early point. King Edward I knew very well what he was doing when he plundered Welsh records, took Welsh iconography as his own, and put himself in the lineage of King Arthur (who was, without a doubt, Welsh). Depictions of Welsh people in the Middle Ages are few and far between, and those depictions all come from English or English-adjacent sources. (Gerald of Wales, I’m looking at you!)
For example, Welsh archers and spearmen in English descriptions have no armor and are without a left shoe. Now, it may be that there was some advantage to not wearing one shoe, but the Welsh had held off the English and defeated them time and again in battle for two hundred years. They’d defeated the Saxons and the Romans before them. The idea that they wore no armor is, quite frankly, absurd and that they are depicted as such is a way of making them appear stupid, barbaric, uncivilized, and as ‘the other’ (in modern terms).
A non-Welsh example would be similar images of Irish people, kings included, also barefoot, bareheaded, and wrapped in blankets as they meet with their conquerors.
As Heather Jones writes: “the Welsh law tracts of this approximate period make an assumption that “standard clothing” will include both linen and woolen body garments as well as a cloak, and that hose and shoes will be normal wear, especially for those with outdoor occupations. So one must sometimes consider the comments of foreign observers with skepticism and look for possible political agendas.” http://heatherrosejones.com/welshfaqs/clothing.html
She further states:
The “one shoe” motif is one of those things that is nearly impossible to interpret. As far as I know, the only source for the motif is two drawings in a manuscript known as “Liber A” (Edwards, J. Goronwy ed. 1940. Littere Wallie. University Press Board, Cardiff.), a collection of legal documents from the reigns of Henry III and Edward I. The documents are grouped generally by subject matter, and groups of documents are introduced by a drawing related to the contents e.g., the Pope for the papal bulls. The sections on Welsh, Scottish, and Irish documents are introduced by figures presumably intended to represent those nations, but it isn’t clear how true to life they might be, or in fact if they have any relation to the people they are supposed to be depicting except in the English artist’s imagination. For example, McClintock is fairly well convinced that the Irish figures have no relation to reality. The two figures depicted in the Welsh-related section of the collection — an archer and a spearman — each feature only a single shoe, on the left foot. Other sources of information sometimes note people going barefoot (or bare-legged, which may or may not imply the same thing), but as far as I know, this one manuscript illustration is the only source for “one shoe on and one shoe off”.
So is it a representation of an actual Welsh practice of the day? Or is it intended to iconically represent “Welshness” in some way? Is it based on a misunderstanding (like the misunderstanding that led people to believe Jewish people had horns on their heads)? Or is it simply an imaginative whim of an artist who wanted to make them look “different” and made something up? How likely is it that an artist/scribe working most likely in London, copying out a stack of assorted legal documents into a single continuous manuscript, was a careful anthropological observer of contemporary Welsh dress habits? (Make that, Welsh, Irish, Scottish, and Papal dress habits.) Maybe yes, but that’s unlikely to be how he got the job.
I often wonder this as well. You’re right that its a bit silly to think the Welsh fought with no armour, even if they did rely on hit-and-run tactics (which also smells like propaganda also), armour would still no doubt be quite common. If you’re going off to war, where you risk death, then you kinda want to protect yourself. Also, we do know there were stockpiles of equipment and armies met in big cities before marching off, so if the warriors were gathered for war, it would make sense for the levy to be outfitted.
The one shoe on one shoe off however is quite interesting. I think there may be some truth behind that, perhaps when people went to fight unarmoured it was common practice to wear only one shoe. This isn’t just for hit-and-run, this also helps you maintain balance no matter the ground. And when you’re unarmoured, or lightly armoured, your main tactic in killing big armoured guys is knocking them to the ground and then beating them up, and that means you really need to maintain your own balance. That being said, its hard to really say how many people went to fight unarmoured.
Sarah, I’m fairly certain Peter knows what source material is available.
@ Peter. I’ve got to say it was a very passive aggressive question.
I’m just about to paint some Welsh Medieval Miniatures and there is very little reference materials to help out. Unless you want to read what the English wrote about the Welsh and use it as reference.
My guess with the one shoe is that it was used in some way to either help with traction or balance in some way.
This would then be reported by the opposition as “ they were so poor they could only own one shoe each”.
I would bet a triple pack of Jaffa Cakes Peter is well aware of this.
Anyway I was hoping to find info on the colours used by the Welsh in their clothing/armour.
Well done for sticking up for the Welsh, you argued your point very well, you have no reason to create evidence for people like Peter.
Its incredible that even in 2022 we still see such prejudice.
Take care and stay safe.
Thank you! I so appreciate your comment!
I don’t know what colors the Welsh used, or even if they did. This is the origin of leeks being a national symbol of Wales, in that they attached them to their clothing to distinguish themselves from the enemy. No idea if that’s true or not! But in the middle ages, with no uniforms, they would have had something like that for the common soldier. Knights likely would have worn tunics with their lord’s sigil.
Googling medieval dyes comes up with an entry nominally from http://www.cpgt2005.madasafish.com which shows medieval dyes and their Welsh names. I could not access that page from the website, which may be a scan of their book pages, but the pages themselves come up on Google.
I would say that from my own point of view that you must argue based on factual evidence, and that to quote secondary sources is only of use if you also show the evidence on which a statement from a secondary source is based. In the last year I have come across examples of ancient and medieval historical myth (looking like you for wargame purposes) which have had a basis only in Victorian or later imagination, but which promulgated once are then repeated by others including those whose opinions one might respect.
Your post is well argued. Do you have links to any literary evidence as to what the armor styles were among the Welsh warriors during the early middle ages?
Not off the top of my head, but I will look. It varied, of course, over the centuries. By the 13th century, Welsh warriors were defended in mail and leather armor no differently than their English counterparts …